Tatanka Discount Code
We understand that everyone loves a good bargain, and that’s why we’ve made it our mission to bring special Tatanka discount codes to you. Our team works tirelessly to ensure that you have access to the most up-to-date discounts, helping you save on your favorite Tatanka products.
Our discount codes vary from time to time, reflecting the dynamic nature of Tatanka’s promotions. This means that you could find a discount code that is perfectly suited to the products you want to order.
We update this page regularly, so be sure to check back often or subscribe to our newsletter. Also, keep in mind that these codes are only valid for a limited time. So, if you see a deal that you like, don’t hesitate to use it before it expires!
Happy shopping and enjoy your savings!
Current promotion (August)
Bulk discounts, see information below.
Buy bulk on selected items and get a discount.
Bulk discount on our products
Buy more, save more!
We’re introducing bulk discount, a perfect way to get more for less!
How does this work?
It’s simple: the more you buy, the more you save. Add products from these categories to your shopping cart and watch the prices drop! The discount will be automatically applied. This offer applies to the following product groups:
Magic Truffles
For the adventurers and explorers. Experience a magical experience with our high-quality truffles.
Discover our Magic Truffles
Magic Mushroom Growkits
For do-it-yourselfers and nature lovers. Grow your own magic mushrooms with our simple and efficient growkits.
View our Magic Mushroom Growkits
Magic Mushroom Spores
For experienced connoisseurs and collectors. Experiment and grow with our diversity of Magic Mushroom Spores.
Explore our Spore Syringes
Bulk discounts will be applied automatically. Bulk discounts are an only online discount.